Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The role of communities programmes (such as after school club and Essay

The role of communities programmes (such as after school club and mentoring program) in shaping education - Essay Example bserved in various scenarios that those students who are undertaking mentored programs yield better results in mathematics and reading tests in comparison to the non-mentored students (Mitchell, Crowson and Shipps, 2011). Schools majorly focus on preparing students with the necessary skills that are essential in the information age but the attention mainly turn towards the real time experiences which are gained by youth and children after school time. After school, summer and weekend programs offer wide range of opportunities in relation to enhancing and complementing the academic learning that is taught in schools (Beyer and Johnson, 2014). These programs can be considered to be promising strategies in terms of engaging students in various recreational, academic and social activities so as to closely knit real time experience with theoretical knowledge. The after-school programs or mentoring programs can be considered to be major pillars of current educational system. These programs help to restructure traditional educational system in such a manner which helps students to secure better academic results. A proper location in school buildings facilitates such programs with added advantages. These facilities comprise of wide range of activities. Apart from providing enrichment opportunities to children, these programs also serve as a medium for child care. There are children living with single parent or there are even students whose mothers are working, and these incidents are specifically observed in United States of America. In such a scenario, mentoring and after-school programs become a procedure to connect parents and students. The communities programs which can be regarded as school aged child care have gained importance as societal procedures and norms lay emphasis on employment. These programs are designed in such a manner th at it enhances creative and logical skills of students. Creative programming helps to attract teens toward such community programs.

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